You are unclear about Nathans point?
You think too much.
cetainly in great britani they are, right?.
.. .. .. oh, that's from ten years ago!.
You are unclear about Nathans point?
You think too much.
cetainly in great britani they are, right?.
.. .. .. oh, that's from ten years ago!.
Nathan did not write the article.
The author is a false prophet and has lost all credibility.
Nothing that he writes, has written, or will write, should be believed.
That's the standard for false prophets, right?
I have gone back occasionally.
The KH is not what is going to kill you.
It is your bitterness/hatred towards it that is killing you, and will eventually kill you off.
this is an interesting blog post by the author cj werleman - write of the books god hates you, hate him back and jesus lied - he was only human.
he writes with a good dose of humor which usually helps get his point across.. the blog post dissects the latest gallup poll results regarding 40% of americans believe in biblical creationism.
but the point i found interesting in it was that if you don't believe the genesis account is literal....then jesus atoned for the sin of a fictitious character, adam.. here is a quote from the blog...but please give the whole thing a read, makes more sense that way:.
I guess you will find that out when YOU die.
social networks have their pros and cons, but overall i really enjoy them.
it lets you peer into the window of the lives of people you care about that live too far away to have a regular relationship with.
you still feel connected.. -sab.
Took that to heart, did ya JDW?Yup.
social networks have their pros and cons, but overall i really enjoy them.
it lets you peer into the window of the lives of people you care about that live too far away to have a regular relationship with.
you still feel connected.. -sab.
After having spoken to a few young people, they all agreed that if you are over the age of 25 and have a Facebook account, you are having problems accepting the fact that you are already an old geezer.
so i'm stopping at the local pizza shop this morning .
when i see 4 jw's dressed up in their wt uniforms about a block away, just pointing at houses, for about 5 minutes.
so they break up and this one 21 year old kid is standing at this door.
either one of us will clean your clock in short orderJYD,
You have me shaking in my boots!!!!!!
I might have to quit posting here because you have me looking over, not one, but BOTH shoulders!!!!!!!
so i'm stopping at the local pizza shop this morning .
when i see 4 jw's dressed up in their wt uniforms about a block away, just pointing at houses, for about 5 minutes.
so they break up and this one 21 year old kid is standing at this door.
First of all, it's spelled "field".
Secondly, I don't believe a word of it.
had a good look into the doctrine, beliefs and practices of jws and to be honest, i don't really see anything wrong with it at all.. it's biblical and i've had such an eye opener the past year or so reading some of their books and magazines .
is there really any real reasons why i shouldn't want to get involved further?
YOU have to decide whatever you feel is good for YOU, and YOU are the only one who can do that.
for any and all persons who may have been associated with jehovah's witnesses in the past (or currently), you have probably read, or heard information about the origin of the name "jehovah.
" as explained by witnesses, and even other religious groups, the name jehovah is merely the anglicized (or, english-language) version of the so-called "divine name.
" the thinking is that in the original hebrew language, the "divine name" was originally represented by these four english consonants: jhvh; some persons think that it might have been yhvh.
Jehovah is correct and all variations of that name in the different languages of man are also correct.